Is a hybrid heat pump interesting?

June 13, 2023

We asked our product development experts.

First of all, a hybrid heat pump does not exist. You can turn a heat pump into a hybrid setup. You do this when the heat pump is not sufficient to heat the home or to heat sanitary water.

We see a growing call for such a heat pump in the Netherlands. But is this a good choice?

These are heat pumps that have too little capacity in advance, cannot heat sanitary water and no longer contribute to the heating network in the middle of winter.

Let’s do a simple math

We take an example house with 1.300m3 gas consumption and 4 residents.

For the sanitary water consumption we calculate with the average of 100m3 gas consumption per person per year. So 900 m3 (1,300 – 4×100).

The heat pump will be able to save about 20% to 60% of this. Which amounts to 180m3 to 540m3.

An average gas price of €1,50 per m3 gives us a saving of €270 to €810 per year.

The power consumption will increase by approx. 600kWh to 1.800kWh.

With an average electricity price of €0,40 per kWh, the costs will increase by €240 to €720.

The net saving varies between €30 to €90.

The average ‘hybrid’ heat pump installation costs approximately €7.000,- with a €2.300,- RVO ISDE subsidy being awarded. A net investment of €4.700,-. The payback period is therefore longer than the lifetime of the heat pump.

R290 EVI Full Inverter Heat Pump 4

Powerworld R290 heat pumps are suitable for hybrid and all-electric

Our advice

Our advice is to always install a heat pump which (theoretically) can heat the entire house + meet the sanitary water needs. Although the initial investment is higher, the payback period will be considerably shorter.