European Service Center in full operation

April 1, 2024

After the successful MCE trade fair in Italy, we provided technical and commercial training in the European Service Center in the Netherlands in recent weeks.

commercial training 21-03-2024

What preceded…

The European Service Center will be active in the Netherlands as of 01-09-2023. Spare parts are supplied from here, training is provided to (European) installers and customers are received.

The signature was signed in July 2023, after the space had been prepared. The showroom and Service Center is filled with R410A split unit heat pumps, R32 heat pumps, R290 heat pumps, buffer tanks and hygiene boilers.

applying the Powerworld logo and the text European Service Centre

The results are impressive!

And then the practice… 

Two training sessions have been given in recent weeks. Colleague Kaser provided commercial training to resellers of Powerworld heat pumps. There was a large turnout and we delved deeper into the (commercial) properties of the products, the factory and after-sales. A successful day!

Colleagues Susan and Daniël provide the technical training. At the request of the Service Center and the visitors, this training was tailored to the R290 collection. In addition to the basic information on how to connect the heat pump and set parameters, we have delved deeper into IoT. The online platform gives engineers and the European Service Center the opportunity to monitor local Powerworld heat pumps live.

This unique service provides a faster response time in the event of emergencies and increases the analysis of the fault. This allows the installer to work decisively on the heat pump.

topics IoT presentation

The visitors were both sellers of Powerworld heat pumps and installers of heat pumps.

After the presentation, there was widespread praise for the quality of the Service Center, the presentation and the properties of the heat pumps.

Thank you Susan and Daniël for sharing the technical knowledge.

Are you also curious about our products? Or would you like to visit the European Service Center yourself? Please contact us.