What is a good location for the heat pump?

January 29, 2024

We prefer to place the heat pump far away, out of sight. Because to be honest, having a heat pump in the home does not make the home any more beautiful. Technically, we want the heat pump as close as possible to the technical room. This is usually the place where the (gas) central heating boiler is installed.

Consumers ask for good advice. Many consultants recommend placing the heat pump on the facade, at a greater height. In this way they shorten the pipework between the technical room and the heat pump. Which yields a higher return. This seems like good advice.

During a period of frost, it immediately becomes clear whether the heat pump is set up correctly or incorrectly.

In addition to the advantage of short(er) pipes, these setups have various errors.

  • the heat pump is difficult to inaccessible for maintenance;
  • in the event of service/malfunction, adequate work cannot be done on the heat pump;
  • can the facade handle the weight of the heat pump?
  • is there sufficient distance between the facade and the heat pump (as specified by the supplier)?

A properly installed heat pump causes the least inconvenience and provides the highest performance. Visit our showroom in the Netherlands or contact us for tailor-made advice.